1. | p | |
2. | P | |
3. | P&L | |
4. | P-1, P-2, P-3 | |
5. | p.a. | |
6. | P/B ratio | |
7. | P/E 10 ratio | |
8. | P2P lending | |
9. | P2P lenen | |
10. | P2P-markt | |
11. | paaroptie | |
12. | paarse krokodil | |
13. | PAC | |
14. | Pac-Man strategie | |
15. | pacht | |
16. | pachter | |
17. | Pacific Exchange | |
18. | Pacific Investment Management Company | |
19. | pack of wolves | |
20. | package deal | |
21. | Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products | |
22. | packaged retail investment products | |
23. | Pact voor Stabiliteit en Groei | |
24. | pad-afhankelijke optie | |
25. | padafhankelijkheid | |
26. | padala | |
27. | Pah | |
28. | pain equity | |
29. | pain trade | |
30. | painting the tape | |
31. | pair option | |
32. | pair trade | |
33. | pairs trading | |
34. | pakket | |
35. | pakkettenhandel | |
36. | pakketvergoeding | |
37. | pal-effect | |
38. | palmbomengesjoemel | |
39. | palmolie | |
40. | palradmechanisme | |
41. | PAM | |
42. | pamperrekening | |
43. | Pan-Europees Pensioenproduct | |
44. | Panama Papers | |
45. | Panamagate | |
46. | Panamax (index) | |
47. | pandakte | |
48. | pandbrief | |
49. | Pandemic Emergency Longer-Term Refinancing Operations | |
50. | Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme | |
51. | pandemie | |
52. | pandemie-noodaankoopprogramma | |
53. | pandemie-opkoopprogramma | |
54. | pandemieleningen | |
55. | pandgever | |
56. | pandhouder | |
57. | pandhuis | |
58. | pandjesbank | |
59. | pandjeshuis | |
60. | pandjesmelker | |
61. | pandnemer | |
62. | Pandora Papers | |
63. | Pandoraconstructies | |
64. | pandrecht | |
65. | Panic of 1907 | |
66. | paniekmeter | |
67. | paniekopvragingen | |
68. | paniekverkopen | |
69. | PAP | |
70. | papa-mamabedrijf | |
71. | paper guy | |
72. | paper offer | |
73. | paperclip-teller | |
74. | papier | |
75. | papier op naam | |
76. | papieren bedrijven | |
77. | papieren overschrijving | |
78. | papieren schenking | |
79. | papieren vergadering | |
80. | papieren verlies | |
81. | papieren winst | |
82. | papiergeld | |
83. | papiergoud | |
84. | papierloos bankieren | |
85. | par | |
86. | par bond | |
87. | par value | |
88. | par yield curve | |
89. | Parade van Pen | |
90. | paradijsbelasting | |
91. | paradis fiscal | |
92. | Paradise Papers | |
93. | paradox of plenty | |
94. | paradox of saving | |
95. | paradox of thrift | |
96. | paradox van Jevons | |
97. | paraiso fiscal | |
98. | paralelle munt | |
99. | parallel banking system | |
100. | parallelhandel | |
101. | parallelimport | |
102. | parallelle economie | |
103. | parallelle markt | |
104. | parallelle munteenheid | |
105. | parallelle verschuiving (van de rentecurve) | |
106. | Parallelmarkt | |
107. | parallelmunt | |
108. | parapluconstructie | |
109. | paraplufonds | |
110. | parate executie | |
111. | parent company | |
112. | parent index | |
113. | Paretoprincipe | |
114. | pari | |
115. | pari | |
116. | pari passu | |
117. | pari passu clausule | |
118. | parikoers | |
119. | paritair | |
120. | pariteit | |
121. | pariwaarde | |
122. | parkeerplaatsbeleggen | |
123. | parkeren (van geld) | |
124. | parket | |
125. | parlement | |
126. | Parlementair onderzoek financieel stelsel | |
127. | Parlementaire Enquêtecommissie Financieel Stelsel | |
128. | part beneficiaire | |
129. | part de fondateur | |
130. | partial spinoff | |
131. | participatie | |
132. | participatiebewijs | |
133. | participatiegraad | |
134. | participatiehypotheek | |
135. | participatiemaatschappij | |
136. | participatiemelding | |
137. | participatieovereenkomst | |
138. | Participatiewet | |
139. | participating collar | |
140. | participating forward | |
141. | participating preferred stock | |
142. | participation rate | |
143. | Particulier Ondernemerschap | |
144. | Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap | |
145. | particuliere belegger | |
146. | particuliere participatiemaatschappij | |
147. | partijfinanciering | |
148. | partly paid bonds | |
149. | partner | |
150. | partnerpensioen | |
151. | partnerpensioen met opgebouwde waarde | |
152. | partnership | |
153. | partnerverlof | |
154. | parttime | |
155. | parttimer | |
156. | pas | |
157. | PAS | |
158. | PAS | |
159. | pas toe of leg uit | |
160. | pas-opstuurfraude | |
161. | paslezer | |
162. | pasmunt | |
163. | paspoort | |
164. | pass-through business | |
165. | pass-through entity | |
166. | passagekoers | |
167. | passend werk | |
168. | passendheidstest | |
169. | passendheidstoets | |
170. | passeren | |
171. | passeren van het dividend | |
172. | passief beheer | |
173. | passief beleggen | |
174. | passief inkomen | |
175. | passief portefeuillebeheer | |
176. | passiefzijde | |
177. | passieve belegger | |
178. | passieve financiering | |
179. | passieve handelsbalans | |
180. | passieve portefeuille | |
181. | passieve productiemiddelen | |
182. | passiva | |
183. | passivum | |
184. | past service cost | |
185. | patatgeneratie | |
186. | patch | |
187. | patent | |
188. | patent cliff | |
189. | patent pool | |
190. | patent troll | |
191. | patentenpool | |
192. | patentklif | |
193. | paternalisme | |
194. | path dependent option | |
195. | patrimonium stabile | |
196. | Patriot Act | |
197. | Patriot Day | |
198. | Patriot's Day | |
199. | patronaatsverklaring | |
200. | paulianeus handelen | |
201. | pauschalpolis | |
202. | pauzeknop | |
203. | pay-as-you-go | |
204. | pay-as-you-go financiering | |
205. | pay date | |
206. | pay it forward | |
207. | pay out | |
208. | pay ratio | |
209. | pay-to-play | |
210. | pay-back methode | |
211. | pay-date | |
212. | pay-later option | |
213. | pay-out | |
214. | pay-per-view | |
215. | payback period | |
216. | paycation | |
217. | paydate loan | |
218. | payday lenders | |
219. | payday loan | |
220. | payer swap | |
221. | payers swaption | |
222. | PAYG | |
223. | PAYGO | |
224. | paying cashless | |
225. | Paying Taxes | |
226. | payment for order flow | |
227. | payment holiday | |
228. | payment in cattle | |
229. | payment in kind | |
230. | payment-in-kind loan | |
231. | payment in lieu of dividend | |
232. | payment processor | |
233. | payment protection insurance | |
234. | payment service provider | |
235. | Payment Services Directive | |
236. | Payment Services Directive 2 | |
237. | payment traffic | |
238. | payment-in-kind bond | |
239. | payment-in-kind note | |
240. | pay-off | |
241. | payoff | |
242. | payoff ratio | |
243. | payola | |
244. | pay-or-okay | |
245. | payout annuities | |
246. | payout ratio | |
247. | PayPal | |
248. | PayPal van Bitcoins | |
249. | pay-per-use | |
250. | payroll | |
251. | Payroll Friday | |
252. | payrolling | |
253. | PBC | |
254. | PBK | |
255. | PBL | |
256. | PBOC | |
257. | PCA | |
258. | PCAOB | |
259. | PCE | |
260. | PCE-deflator | |
261. | PCGD | |
262. | PCI | |
263. | PCX | |
264. | PD | |
265. | PE | |
266. | P/E-ratio | |
267. | peak child | |
268. | peak demand | |
269. | peak gold | |
270. | peak inflation | |
271. | peak oil | |
272. | peak pricing | |
273. | peak trade | |
274. | peak water | |
275. | peanuts | |
276. | Pearson Product Moment Correlation | |
277. | Pearson-correlatie | |
278. | PEB | |
279. | pechfonds | |
280. | pechgeneratie | |
281. | pecking order theory | |
282. | pecunia | |
283. | pee-elletje | |
284. | Peepip | |
285. | peer group | |
286. | peer review | |
287. | peer-to-peer betalen | |
288. | peer-to-peer economy | |
289. | peer-to-peer lenen | |
290. | peer-to-peer markt | |
291. | peg | |
292. | PEG | |
293. | PEG-ratio | |
294. | pegel | |
295. | pegging | |
296. | pegulant | |
297. | peildatum | |
298. | peildatumarbitrage | |
299. | PELTRO | |
300. | penariefonds | |
301. | pencil economics | |
302. | Pending Home Sales Index | |
303. | penning | |
304. | penny | |
305. | penny share | |
306. | penny stock | |
307. | penny stock fraude | |
308. | penny wise, pound foolish | |
309. | pennystock | |
310. | pensioen | |
311. | Pensioen Aanspraken Statistiek | |
312. | pensioen BV | |
313. | pensioen in eigen beheer | |
314. | Pensioen- en Spaarfondsenwet | |
315. | Pensioen- en Verzekeringskamer | |
316. | pensioen3daagse | |
317. | pensioenaanspraak | |
318. | pensioenafdracht | |
319. | pensioenakkoord | |
320. | pensioenarmoede | |
321. | pensioenbeleggen op maat | |
322. | pensioenbeleggingen | |
323. | pensioenbewustzijn | |
324. | pensioenbreuk | |
325. | pensioenbrief | |
326. | pensioenclausule | |
327. | pensioendatum | |
328. | Pensioenfederatie | |
329. | pensioenfonds | |
330. | Pensioenfonds voor de Gezondheid, Geestelijke en Maatschappelijke belangen | |
331. | Pensioenfonds voor Zorg en Welzijn | |
332. | pensioengat | |
333. | pensioengebouw | |
334. | pensioengerechtigde | |
335. | pensioengerechtigde leeftijd | |
336. | pensioengevend inkomen | |
337. | pensioengevend salaris | |
338. | pensioengrondslag | |
339. | pensioeninleg | |
340. | pensioenjaar | |
341. | pensioenkeuring | |
342. | Pensioenkijker.nl | |
343. | pensioenkloof | |
344. | pensioenknip | |
345. | pensioenkoepel | |
346. | pensioenkorting | |
347. | pensioenkrater | |
348. | pensioenleeftijd | |
349. | pensioenonbewust | |
350. | pensioenopbouw | |
351. | pensioenovereenkomst | |
352. | pensioenpijlers | |
353. | pensioenpijn | |
354. | pensioenpot | |
355. | pensioenpotje | |
356. | pensioenpremie | |
357. | pensioenpromotie | |
358. | Pensioenrapporteur | |
359. | pensioenreglement | |
360. | pensioensalaris | |
361. | pensioensparen | |
362. | pensioenstelsel | |
363. | pensioenstichting | |
364. | pensioenstoplicht | |
365. | pensioenthermometer | |
366. | pensioentoezegging | |
367. | pensioentrekker | |
368. | pensioenuitruil | |
369. | pensioenuitvoerder | |
370. | pensioenval | |
371. | pensioenverevening | |
372. | pensioenverplichting | |
373. | pensioenverzekering | |
374. | pensioenvoorziening | |
375. | pensioenvrijheid | |
376. | Pensioenwet | |
377. | pension freedom | |
378. | pension fund shortfall | |
379. | pension funding gap | |
380. | pensionado | |
381. | Pensioner bonds | |
382. | Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds | |
383. | pent-up demand | |
384. | penvoerder | |
385. | People's Bank of China | |
386. | people's capitalism | |
387. | People's Quantitative Easing | |
388. | people, planet, profit | |
389. | PEP | |
390. | Pepp | |
391. | PEPP | |
392. | per annum | |
393. | per capita | |
394. | per opbod | |
395. | perceel | |
396. | percentage | |
397. | percentiel | |
398. | perfect competition | |
399. | perfect storm | |
400. | perfecte concurrentie | |
401. | perfecte hedge | |
402. | perfecte storm | |
403. | perfluoroctaanzuur | |
404. | perfluoroctanic acid | |
405. | performance | |
406. | performance chasing | |
407. | performance deal | |
408. | performance fee | |
409. | performance pay | |
410. | performancemeting | |
411. | performing debt | |
412. | performing loan | |
413. | perifere landen | |
414. | perifere schuld | |
415. | période de grâce | |
416. | periodeboekhouding | |
417. | periodetoerekening | |
418. | periodetoerekeningskosten | |
419. | periodiek | |
420. | periodiek beleggen | |
421. | periodieke integriteitstoets (DSI) | |
422. | permabear | |
423. | permabeer | |
424. | permabull | |
425. | permacrisis | |
426. | permanent Europees noodfonds | |
427. | Permanent income hypothesis | |
428. | permanent inkomen | |
429. | permanent interest-bearing shares | |
430. | permanent structured cooperation | |
431. | permanent vermogen | |
432. | Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund | |
433. | permanente faciliteit | |
434. | permanente inkomenshypothese | |
435. | perpen | |
436. | perpetual | |
437. | perpetual bond | |
438. | perpetuele lening | |
439. | perpetuele obligaties | |
440. | perps | |
441. | perks | |
442. | perquisites | |
443. | Person with significant control | |
444. | person-to-person lending | |
445. | personal branding | |
446. | Personal Consumption Expenditures | |
447. | personal finance | |
448. | personal holding company | |
449. | personeelskorting | |
450. | personeelsoptie | |
451. | personeelsparticipatie | |
452. | personele unie | |
453. | persoonlijk identificatie nummer | |
454. | persoonlijk keuzebudget | |
455. | persoonlijk krediet | |
456. | persoonlijke financiële planning | |
457. | persoonlijke gegevens | |
458. | persoonlijke inflatiecalculator | |
459. | persoonlijke lening | |
460. | Persoonlijke Welzijnsindex | |
461. | persoonsgebonden aftrek | |
462. | Persoonsgebonden Budget | |
463. | persoonsgegevens | |
464. | persvrijheidsindex | |
465. | pertubation analysis | |
466. | perunage | |
467. | perverse prikkels | |
468. | PESCO | |
469. | peseta | |
470. | peso | |
471. | Peter Principle | |
472. | Peterprincipe | |
473. | Peterson Institute for International Economics | |
474. | petro-yuan | |
475. | petrodollar | |
476. | petty cash | |
477. | peuro | |
478. | Pew research center | |
479. | pf | |
480. | PF | |
481. | PFAS | |
482. | PFI | |
483. | PFOA | |
484. | PFOF | |
485. | PGB | |
486. | PGGM | |
487. | phantom income | |
488. | phantom shares | |
489. | phantom trading | |
490. | pharming | |
491. | PHC | |
492. | phi | |
493. | Philadelphia Fed | |
494. | Philadelphia Federal Index | |
495. | Philadelphia Stock Exchange | |
496. | Philadephia Fed Index | |
497. | Phillie Fed Index | |
498. | Phillipscurve | |
499. | Philly Fed | |
500. | Philly Fed-index | |
501. | phishing | |
502. | PHLX | |
503. | PHLX Semiconductor Sector index | |
504. | phoe kuan | |
505. | PHSI | |
506. | physical commodity | |
507. | physicals | |
508. | PI | |
509. | PIBS | |
510. | picks | |
511. | pieb | |
512. | piece of shit | |
513. | piek | |
514. | piek en ziek | |
515. | pieken | |
516. | piekenpijp | |
517. | piekolie | |
518. | piekprijs | |
519. | piektarief | |
520. | piekverbruik | |
521. | piekvraag | |
522. | Pierson Penning | |
523. | Piet Particulier | |
524. | pieterman | |
525. | PIF | |
526. | pig butchering fraude | |
527. | piggy bank | |
528. | piggyback | |
529. | piggyback loan | |
530. | piggyback registration | |
531. | piggyback right | |
532. | piggybacking | |
533. | piglets | |
534. | Pigouriaanse belastingen | |
535. | Pigovian tax | |
536. | PIGS | |
537. | PIIE | |
538. | PIIGS | |
539. | pijplijn | |
540. | PIK (loan, constructie) | |
541. | PIK bond | |
542. | PIK note | |
543. | Piketty, Thomas | |
544. | pikorde-theorie (ondernemingsfinanciering) | |
545. | pillar bank | |
546. | pillow talk case | |
547. | PIMCO | |
548. | PIN | |
549. | pin | |
550. | pin risk | |
551. | pinautomaat | |
552. | pinbetaling | |
553. | pinbus | |
554. | pincode | |
555. | ping order | |
556. | ping ping | |
557. | pinging | |
558. | pinjas | |
559. | pink herring | |
560. | pink sheet | |
561. | pink tax | |
562. | pinkwashing | |
563. | pinnen | |
564. | pinpas | |
565. | pinroof | |
566. | pinsparen | |
567. | pinstoring | |
568. | pinstripe | |
569. | pintransactie | |
570. | pinvertraging | |
571. | Piotroski F-score | |
572. | Piotroski score | |
573. | pip | |
574. | PIPE | |
575. | PIR | |
576. | piramide | |
577. | piramide van Maslow | |
578. | piramideconstructie | |
579. | piramidefonds | |
580. | piramideren | |
581. | piramidespel | |
582. | piraterij | |
583. | pistoolclausule (aandelen) | |
584. | pit | |
585. | PIT | |
586. | pitch | |
587. | pitchen | |
588. | PITI | |
589. | pkb | |
590. | Pkw-Maut | |
591. | PL | |
592. | plaatsen | |
593. | plaatsflatie | |
594. | plaatsing | |
595. | plaatsingsdepot | |
596. | plaatsingskracht | |
597. | plaatsingsrisico | |
598. | placement agent | |
599. | plafondbedrag | |
600. | plain Jane | |
601. | plain vanilla | |
602. | plakkerige inflatie | |
603. | plakkerige prijzen | |
604. | planbate | |
605. | Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving | |
606. | planeconomie | |
607. | plank | |
608. | plan-kapitalisme | |
609. | planschade | |
610. | plastic bonds | |
611. | Plataforma de Afectados por la Hypotheca | |
612. | platform | |
613. | Platform voor Duurzame Financiering | |
614. | platformbedrijf | |
615. | platformeconomie | |
616. | platformisering | |
617. | platformwerk | |
618. | Platts | |
619. | platzak | |
620. | plc | |
621. | pledged account | |
622. | pledged account mortgage | |
623. | pledged asset | |
624. | pleite | |
625. | pleitelanden | |
626. | pleuro | |
627. | PLN | |
628. | plof-BV | |
629. | plofkoffer | |
630. | plofkraak | |
631. | plog | |
632. | plokgeld | |
633. | plokpenning | |
634. | plomo o plata | |
635. | plukken | |
636. | plukze-wetgeving | |
637. | plunge protection team | |
638. | pluralisme | |
639. | PLUS | |
640. | plus tick | |
641. | plusje | |
642. | plussen | |
643. | plutocratie | |
644. | plutogoog | |
645. | plutonomics | |
646. | plutonomie | |
647. | PM | |
648. | PMI | |
649. | PMM | |
650. | PMT | |
651. | PO | |
652. | POCM | |
653. | poen | |
654. | poenpakker | |
655. | poentunnel | |
656. | poet | |
657. | Poetinflatie | |
658. | point | |
659. | point estimate | |
660. | point of sale | |
661. | point-and-figure chart | |
662. | poison-pill | |
663. | polarisatie-index | |
664. | polder | |
665. | poldermodel | |
666. | polderprotectionisme | |
667. | policy banks (China) | |
668. | Policy Exchange | |
669. | policy wonk | |
670. | polis | |
671. | polisblad | |
672. | poliskluis | |
673. | Political Action Committee | |
674. | Political Risk Index | |
675. | Politically Exposed Person | |
676. | politiek prominent persoon | |
677. | politiek risico | |
678. | poly- en perfluoralkylstoffen | |
679. | polycrisis | |
680. | Polytechnique | |
681. | POM | |
682. | pond | |
683. | pond sterling | |
684. | Ponzi-fraude | |
685. | Ponzi scheme | |
686. | Ponzi, Charles | |
687. | Ponzifraude | |
688. | pool(ing) | |
689. | poor man's gold | |
690. | poortwachter | |
691. | pop | |
692. | pop-up option | |
693. | pop-up retail | |
694. | pop-up shop | |
695. | pop-up store | |
696. | pop-upwinkel | |
697. | populisme | |
698. | PoR | |
699. | porcupine provision | |
700. | pork bellies | |
701. | pornomunt | |
702. | port dues | |
703. | port fees | |
704. | portable alpha | |
705. | portefeuille | |
706. | portefeuillebedrijf | |
707. | portefeuilleprofiel | |
708. | portefeuillerisico | |
709. | portefeuillerotatie | |
710. | portefeuillestrategie | |
711. | portefeuilletheorie | |
712. | portemonnee | |
713. | portfolio | |
714. | portfolio insurance | |
715. | portfolio pumping | |
716. | portfolio turnover ratio | |
717. | portfolio-analyse | |
718. | Portugese Stock Index | |
719. | pos | |
720. | POS | |
721. | positie | |
722. | positie afbouwen | |
723. | positie innemen | |
724. | positiedelta | |
725. | positiedelta, -gamma...(enzovoort) | |
726. | positiehandel | |
727. | positielimiet | |
728. | positiestaat couponafrekeningen | |
729. | positieve business case | |
730. | positieve carry | |
731. | positieve correlatie | |
732. | positieve handelsbalans | |
733. | positieve hypotheekverklaring | |
734. | positieve kasstroom | |
735. | positieve registratie (kredietregistratie) | |
736. | positieve rendementscurve | |
737. | positieve rentecurve | |
738. | positieve samenhang | |
739. | positieve uitsluiting | |
740. | positieve yield gap | |
741. | position limit | |
742. | position paper | |
743. | positional wealth | |
744. | positive covenant | |
745. | positive DMI | |
746. | positive market breadth | |
747. | positive outlook | |
748. | positive pledge clause | |
749. | positive plegde | |
750. | positive screening | |
751. | post | |
752. | post-merger integration | |
753. | post-money valuation | |
754. | post money value | |
755. | postbusfirma | |
756. | Postcheque- en Girodienst | |
757. | postcoderoos | |
758. | Postgiro | |
759. | postmandaat | |
760. | postnup | |
761. | postnuptional agreement | |
762. | post-trade | |
763. | Postwet | |
764. | postwissel | |
765. | pot bubble | |
766. | poten | |
767. | Potentatengelder | |
768. | potentieel additionele beroepsbevolking | |
769. | potje | |
770. | potloodeconomie | |
771. | POTUS | |
772. | potverteren | |
773. | pound | |
774. | poverty gap | |
775. | poverty headcount ratio | |
776. | Powell Pivot | |
777. | Powell Put | |
778. | Powell, Jerome | |
779. | power of the purse | |
780. | Power Purchase Agreement | |
781. | powerhouse | |
782. | Powershares QQQ | |
783. | PPA | |
784. | PPI | |
785. | PPIP | |
786. | PPM | |
787. | PPMC | |
788. | PPP | |
789. | PPS | |
790. | PPU | |
791. | PPV | |
792. | PQE | |
793. | PRA | |
794. | praatorder | |
795. | pragmatische generatie | |
796. | pre-exit | |
797. | pre-money valuation | |
798. | pre money value | |
799. | pre-sounding | |
800. | pre- en in-employment screening | |
801. | pre-employment screening | |
802. | Pre-FOMC Announcement Drift | |
803. | pre-market trading | |
804. | pre-packaged reorganization | |
805. | pré-sal | |
806. | pre-seed financiering | |
807. | pre-seed investering | |
808. | pre-seed kapitaal | |
809. | precaire klasse | |
810. | precariaat | |
811. | precario | |
812. | precariobelasting | |
813. | preceding business day (conventie) | |
814. | precious metal options | |
815. | precious metals | |
816. | pre-close call | |
817. | predatory lending | |
818. | predatory pricing | |
819. | predicaat Koninklijk | |
820. | prediction market | |
821. | pre-earnings call | |
822. | preemptive right | |
823. | pref | |
824. | preferent | |
825. | preferent aandeel | |
826. | preferent aandeel met put | |
827. | preferent dividend | |
828. | preferent inschrijvingsrecht | |
829. | preferent winstdelend aandeel | |
830. | preferente beschermingsaandelen | |
831. | preferente crediteuren | |
832. | preferente schuldeisers | |
833. | preferred stock | |
834. | preferred supplier | |
835. | prefs issue | |
836. | preliminary prospectus | |
837. | premarket | |
838. | premie | |
839. | premie delta | |
840. | premie holiday | |
841. | premie long (positie) | |
842. | premie short (positie) | |
843. | premie-affaire | |
844. | premie-egalisatiedepot | |
845. | premiedekkingsgraad | |
846. | premiedemping | |
847. | premiedepot | |
848. | premiedruk | |
849. | premiegever | |
850. | premiegrondslag | |
851. | premiejager | |
852. | premielening | |
853. | premieloonstelsel | |
854. | premielot | |
855. | premiemakelaar | |
856. | premienemer | |
857. | premieobligatie | |
858. | premieovereenkomst | |
859. | premiepauze | |
860. | premiepensioeninstelling | |
861. | premierbonus | |
862. | premiereserve | |
863. | premierestitutie | |
864. | premiespaarobligatie | |
865. | premiespaarregeling | |
866. | premietrekker | |
867. | premievrij | |
868. | premievrije aanspraken | |
869. | premievrije pensioenopbouw | |
870. | premievrijstelling | |
871. | premium | |
872. | prent | |
873. | prenup | |
874. | prenuptional agreement | |
875. | pre-pack | |
876. | prepaid | |
877. | prepaid kredietkaart | |
878. | prepayment | |
879. | prepensioen | |
880. | prepper | |
881. | present bias | |
882. | present value | |
883. | present value of one basis point | |
884. | presentiegeld | |
885. | president-commissaris | |
886. | President's Day | |
887. | presidential approval rating | |
888. | Presidential Cyclus | |
889. | presidentscyclus | |
890. | prestatieaandelen | |
891. | prestatiebeloning | |
892. | prestatiebeurs | |
893. | prestatiebonus | |
894. | prestatiegeneratie | |
895. | prestatiemeting | |
896. | prestatievergoeding | |
897. | pretbox | |
898. | prettaks | |
899. | prev | |
900. | previous | |
901. | previous price | |
902. | PRI | |
903. | PRI | |
904. | PRIBIL | |
905. | price cap | |
906. | price currency | |
907. | price discovery | |
908. | price factor | |
909. | price partitioning | |
910. | price positioning | |
911. | price pressure | |
912. | price spread | |
913. | price target | |
914. | price-to-earnings ratio | |
915. | price to tangible book value | |
916. | price weighted index | |
917. | price-earnings ratio | |
918. | price-equity ratio | |
919. | price-quality ratio | |
920. | price-to-book ratio | |
921. | price-to-sales ratio | |
922. | price/earnings-to-growth ratio | |
923. | priced for perfection | |
924. | priced to perfection | |
925. | pricing | |
926. | pricing power | |
927. | pricing unit | |
928. | prifonds | |
929. | PRIIPs | |
930. | prijs | |
931. | prijs-kwaliteitverhouding | |
932. | prijs-naar-inkomen | |
933. | prijsafspraak | |
934. | prijsalarm | |
935. | prijsalert | |
936. | prijsbederf | |
937. | prijsbeleid | |
938. | prijsbreker | |
939. | prijscompensatie | |
940. | prijsconcurrentie | |
941. | Prijscourant | |
942. | prijsdiscipline | |
943. | prijsdiscriminatie | |
944. | prijsdruk | |
945. | prijselasticiteit | |
946. | prijsexplosie | |
947. | prijsfactor | |
948. | prijsgarantie | |
949. | prijsgedreven (handelssysteem) | |
950. | prijsgewogen index | |
951. | prijshoudend | |
952. | prijsindex (bij beleggen) | |
953. | Prijsindex Bestaande Koopwoningen | |
954. | prijsindexcijfer | |
955. | prijsindexobligatie | |
956. | prijsinterval | |
957. | prijskaartje | |
958. | prijskartel | |
959. | prijskracht | |
960. | prijsleider | |
961. | prijsleiderschap | |
962. | prijsleiderschapsverbod | |
963. | prijsmechanisme | |
964. | prijsmomentum | |
965. | prijsopdrijving | |
966. | prijspeil | |
967. | prijspiek | |
968. | prijspijn | |
969. | prijsplafond | |
970. | prijsprikkel | |
971. | prijsrange | |
972. | prijsrisico | |
973. | prijsspread | |
974. | prijsstabiliteit | |
975. | prijsstrategie | |
976. | prijstransparantie | |
977. | prijsvaluta | |
978. | prijsvechter | |
979. | prijsvolger | |
980. | prijsvork | |
981. | prijsvorming | |
982. | prijswaarneming | |
983. | prijszetter | |
984. | prijszettingskracht | |
985. | prijszettingsvermogen | |
986. | Prijzendashboard | |
987. | prijzengeld | |
988. | prijzenoorlog | |
989. | prijzenpijn | |
990. | prijzenslag | |
991. | primair begrotingsoverschot | |
992. | primair begrotingssaldo | |
993. | primair begrotingstekort | |
994. | primair dividend | |
995. | primair inkomen | |
996. | primaire arbeidsongeschiktheid | |
997. | primaire arbeidsvoorwaarden | |
998. | primaire balans | |
999. | primaire behoeften | |
1000. | primaire emissie | |
1001. | primaire geldhoeveelheid | |
1002. | primaire goederen | |
1003. | primaire liquiditeiten | |
1004. | primaire liquiditeitenmassa | |
1005. | primaire markt | |
1006. | primaire overheidsuitgaven | |
1007. | primaire proces | |
1008. | primaire saldo | |
1009. | primaire sector | |
1010. | primaire trend | |
1011. | primaire verzekeraar | |
1012. | Primark-effect | |
1013. | primary | |
1014. | primary currency | |
1015. | primary dealer | |
1016. | primary exchange | |
1017. | primary market | |
1018. | primary market maker | |
1019. | prime | |
1020. | prime broker | |
1021. | prime brokerage (hedge funds) | |
1022. | Prime Finance | |
1023. | prime interest rate | |
1024. | prime rate | |
1025. | priming | |
1026. | primo | |
1027. | princeling | |
1028. | principaal | |
1029. | principaal-agenttheorie | |
1030. | principal | |
1031. | principal-agenttheory | |
1032. | principal amount | |
1033. | principal dealing | |
1034. | principal market | |
1035. | principal trader | |
1036. | principal transaction | |
1037. | principal value | |
1038. | principal-to-principal market | |
1039. | principle-based accounting | |
1040. | Principles for Responsible Banking | |
1041. | Principles for Responsible Investment | |
1042. | Prins Bernhard-belasting | |
1043. | Prinsjesdag | |
1044. | prior service cost | |
1045. | prior service credit | |
1046. | prioriteit | |
1047. | prioriteitsaandeel | |
1048. | prioriteitsobligatie | |
1049. | priority foundation | |
1050. | prip | |
1051. | PRISM | |
1052. | prisoners' dilemma | |
1053. | privaatrecht | |
1054. | privacy | |
1055. | Privacy Shield | |
1056. | privak | |
1057. | private bank | |
1058. | private banking | |
1059. | Private Banking Index Limited | |
1060. | private client broker | |
1061. | private credit | |
1062. | private equity | |
1063. | private equity firm | |
1064. | private equity fonds | |
1065. | private equity huis | |
1066. | private equity secondaries | |
1067. | private equity secondary market | |
1068. | private feed | |
1069. | private finance initiative | |
1070. | private foundation | |
1071. | private investment in public equity | |
1072. | private label card | |
1073. | private lease | |
1074. | private mortgage insurance | |
1075. | private plaatsing | |
1076. | private placement | |
1077. | private sector | |
1078. | private sector involvement | |
1079. | private wealth management | |
1080. | privatiseren | |
1081. | privé lease | |
1082. | privé-clausule | |
1083. | privé-vermogen | |
1084. | prix Veuve Clicquot | |
1085. | pro bono | |
1086. | pro deo | |
1087. | pro forma | |
1088. | pro memorie | |
1089. | pro rata | |
1090. | pro resto | |
1091. | procyclisch (beleid of gedrag) | |
1092. | pro-forma cijfers | |
1093. | probeer nooit een vallend mes te vangen | |
1094. | probleembank | |
1095. | probleemfinanciering | |
1096. | probleemhypotheek | |
1097. | probleemkredieten | |
1098. | probleemlanden | |
1099. | probleemleningen | |
1100. | probleemschulden | |
1101. | problematische schulden | |
1102. | procent | |
1103. | procentpunt | |
1104. | procesfinanciering | |
1105. | processor | |
1106. | procuratie | |
1107. | procuratiehouder | |
1108. | procurement | |
1109. | producentenprijzen | |
1110. | producentensurplus | |
1111. | producentenvertrouwen | |
1112. | Producer Price Index | |
1113. | produceren | |
1114. | product approval proces | |
1115. | product goedkeuringsproces | |
1116. | product-als-dienst | |
1117. | product-marktcombinatie | |
1118. | productdifferentiatie | |
1119. | productie | |
1120. | productiecapaciteit | |
1121. | productiefactoren | |
1122. | productiekartel | |
1123. | productieketen | |
1124. | productiemiddelen | |
1125. | productiviteit | |
1126. | proefbalans | |
1127. | proefdruk | |
1128. | prof-transactie | |
1129. | professie | |
1130. | professional client | |
1131. | professionele belegger | |
1132. | profijtbeginsel | |
1133. | profiling | |
1134. | profit | |
1135. | profit centre | |
1136. | profit investment ratio | |
1137. | profit margin | |
1138. | profit outlook | |
1139. | profit pool | |
1140. | profit shifting | |
1141. | profitability index | |
1142. | profiteurtaks | |
1143. | profitfactor | |
1144. | pro-forma factuur | |
1145. | program trading | |
1146. | programma aanpak stikstof | |
1147. | programmaland | |
1148. | programmeerbaar geld | |
1149. | programmeertaal | |
1150. | progressief | |
1151. | progressief afschrijven | |
1152. | progressief dividendbeleid | |
1153. | progressiekop | |
1154. | progressieve belasting | |
1155. | project bonds | |
1156. | Project Fear | |
1157. | Project Turquoise | |
1158. | projectfinanciering | |
1159. | projectierendement | |
1160. | projectobligaties | |
1161. | projectvennootschap | |
1162. | proletariaat | |
1163. | prolongatie | |
1164. | prolongatiekoers | |
1165. | promesse | |
1166. | promessedisconto | |
1167. | promille | |
1168. | promissory note | |
1169. | promotie | |
1170. | prompt corrective action | |
1171. | prompt date | |
1172. | prompt delivery | |
1173. | proof of reserves | |
1174. | prooi | |
1175. | prop | |
1176. | prop desk | |
1177. | prop shop | |
1178. | prop trading | |
1179. | proprietary trading | |
1180. | prosociale bonus | |
1181. | prospectus | |
1182. | prosument | |
1183. | prosumentisme | |
1184. | protectionisme | |
1185. | protective put | |
1186. | protective put index | |
1187. | protector | |
1188. | protestgeneratie | |
1189. | Protocol Incidentenwaarschuwingssysteem Financiële Instellingen | |
1190. | provenu | |
1191. | Provinciefonds | |
1192. | provisie | |
1193. | provisiejagen | |
1194. | provisiereglement | |
1195. | provisieverbod | |
1196. | proxy | |
1197. | proxy access | |
1198. | proxy card | |
1199. | proxy solicitation | |
1200. | proxy statement | |
1201. | proxy voting | |
1202. | proxy-fight | |
1203. | proxy-gevecht | |
1204. | prudent person | |
1205. | Prudential Regulation Authority | |
1206. | prudentieel toezicht | |
1207. | prudentiële controle | |
1208. | PSC | |
1209. | PSC-register | |
1210. | PSD | |
1211. | PSD2 | |
1212. | pseudo | |
1213. | pseudo tracker | |
1214. | pseudo-Amerikaanse methode | |
1215. | PSG | |
1216. | PSI | |
1217. | PSI 20 | |
1218. | PSP | |
1219. | PSPP | |
1220. | PSR | |
1221. | Psw | |
1222. | psychologische grens | |
1223. | PTB | |
1224. | PTBV | |
1225. | PTE | |
1226. | PTR | |
1227. | PTT | |
1228. | public accounts | |
1229. | Public Company Accounting Oversight Board | |
1230. | public equity | |
1231. | public feed | |
1232. | public float | |
1233. | public held (debt) | |
1234. | Public Investment Fund | |
1235. | public limit order book | |
1236. | public limited company | |
1237. | public order book | |
1238. | Public Order Correspondent Member | |
1239. | Public Order Member | |
1240. | public sector involvement | |
1241. | Public Sector Purchase Programme | |
1242. | public to private | |
1243. | Public-Private Investment Program | |
1244. | public-private partnership | |
1245. | public-to-private | |
1246. | publicatieplicht | |
1247. | publiek domein | |
1248. | publiek-private samenwerking | |
1249. | publieke entiteiten | |
1250. | publieke goederen | |
1251. | publieke onderneming | |
1252. | publieke rekeningen | |
1253. | publieke sector | |
1254. | publiekrecht | |
1255. | publiekrechtelijke instelling | |
1256. | publieksorder | |
1257. | Pula Fund | |
1258. | pull to par | |
1259. | pullback | |
1260. | pump and dump | |
1261. | pumping and dumping | |
1262. | punt | |
1263. | puntengrens | |
1264. | puntenwolk | |
1265. | puntschatting | |
1266. | Puppies of the Dow | |
1267. | purchasing | |
1268. | Purchasing Managers' Index | |
1269. | purchasing power parity | |
1270. | purdah | |
1271. | pure competition | |
1272. | pure player | |
1273. | put | |
1274. | put bond | |
1275. | put spread | |
1276. | put up or shut up (regeling) | |
1277. | put-call pariteit | |
1278. | put/call-ratio | |
1279. | putable bond | |
1280. | putable obligatie | |
1281. | put optie | |
1282. | putpremie | |
1283. | putwarrant | |
1284. | PV | |
1285. | PV01 | |
1286. | PVK | |
1287. | Pw | |
1288. | PWI | |
1289. | PWMTF | |
1290. | PZW | |
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