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 Vandaag 01-03-2025
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9arm's length-beginsel
10negatief eigen vermogen

Indices & indicatoren
Een overzicht van aan het thema 'Indices & indicatoren' gerelateerde begrippen.

 1. AAII Investor Sentiment Survey
 2. aandelenindex
 3. aandelenindexfuture
 4. aandelenindexoptie
 5. aanpassing
 6. abnormal return
 7. ABX
 8. achterlopende indicator
 9. actief beheer
 10. actieve fondsen
 11. active share
 12. adjustable rate mortgage
 13. Aedesindex
 14. Aegon Retirement Readiness Index
 15. AEX
 16. AEX covered call index
 17. AEX dagopties
 18. AEX DFT Oranje Index
 19. AEX Low Risk Index
 20. AEX Midkap Index
 21. AEX protective put index
 22. AEX Volatility Index
 23. AEX weekopties
 24. AEX-fondsen
 25. AEX-index
 26. AEX-indexoptie
 27. AEX-Konings Index
 28. Affordability Index
 29. afgeleide instrumenten
 30. afgevlakte index
 31. afrekeningskoers
 32. afzetprijzen
 33. alpha skills
 34. Amsterdam EOE-index
 35. Amsterdam Exchanges-index
 36. Amsterdam Midkap-index
 37. Amsterdam Small Cap Index
 38. AMX-index
 39. angstbarometer
 40. angstindex
 41. angstindicator
 42. angstmeter
 43. arbeidsmarktindicator
 44. ARRI
 45. AScX
 46. ASE20
 47. Athene-ASE General Index
 48. autocallable (producten)
 49. badpakkenindicator
 50. Baltic Dry Index
 51. bamicrash
 52. banencijfer
 53. basisjaar
 54. basket
 55. basket option
 56. BDI
 57. Bear Market Checklist
 58. bearmarktindicator
 59. bedrijfstakindex
 60. bedrijfsvoeringindex
 61. BEL-20
 62. beleidsonzekerheidsindex
 63. Belex 15
 64. benchmark
 65. BES-index
 66. best of the best
 67. bèta
 68. Betaalbaarheidsindex
 69. Better Life Index
 70. beursbarometer
 71. beursindex
 72. bibber-index
 73. bibberindex
 74. Big Mac-index
 75. Bilaa-Riba-index
 76. bioscoopbezoekindicator
 77. Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Total Return Unhedged USD Index
 78. Bloomberg Billionaires Index
 79. Bloomberg Commodity Index
 80. Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index
 81. Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index
 82. Bloomberg CEO Pay Index
 83. Bloomberg Sterling Gilt-index
 84. BOB-indicator
 85. breadth indicator
 86. BreakingViews Economic Spot-check
 87. bruto nationaal geluk
 88. Buffett-barometer
 89. Buffett-indicator
 90. Bull & Bear Index
 91. bull-bear lijn
 92. Bureau of Labor Statistics
 93. burgernomics
 94. BUX
 95. CAC-40
 96. cap-weighted index
 97. CAPE-ratio
 98. Capesize (index)
 99. capital indexed bond
 100. capitalization-weighted index
 101. cardboard box index
 102. Case Shiller Home Price Index
 103. cash benchmark
 104. CBOE SKEW index
 105. CBOE VIX-index
 106. CBS-indices
 107. CBS-koersindex aandelen algemeen
 108. CDX Indices
 109. CESI
 110. Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index
 111. China Containerized Freight Index
 112. China Enterprises Index
 113. China Securities Index Company
 114. Citigroup Economic Surprise Index
 115. Cleantech Index
 116. CLEWI
 117. closet indexing
 118. COEN-index
 119. Commodity Research Bureau
 120. Compagnie des agents de change
 121. composite index
 122. concurrentie-index
 123. conjunctuurdashboard
 124. conjunctuurindicator
 125. Conjunctuurklok
 126. conjunctuurklokindicator
 127. consumentenprijsindex
 128. consumentenvertrouwen
 129. Consumer Confidence Index
 130. Consumer Price Index
 131. Conti Index
 132. Conti Power Index
 133. Continental Power Index
 134. contra-indicator
 135. correlatie
 136. corruptie-index
 137. Corruption Perceptions Index
 138. cost of living adjustment
 139. cost-of-living index
 140. covariantie
 141. covered call index
 142. CPI
 143. CPI afgeleid
 144. Crash Confidence Index
 145. CRB-index
 146. Credit Default Swap Index
 147. crepeerindex
 148. cross holding
 149. CSI 300
 150. CTIUS
 151. Cyprus Stock Exchange General Index
 152. daily breath
 153. DAX-index
 154. Death by Amazon Index
 155. deelindex
 156. defensieve portefeuille
 157. DFMGI
 158. dinges-index
 159. dividend aristocrats
 160. dividendfuture
 161. dividendindex
 162. DJSI
 163. DJSI World
 164. DNB-conjunctuurindicator
 165. Doing Business Report
 166. Dow
 167. Dow 20K
 168. Dow divisor
 169. Dow Jones
 170. Dow Jones Company
 171. Dow Jones Composite Average
 172. Dow Jones Industrial Average
 173. Dow Jones Islamic Market Index
 174. Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
 175. Dow Jones Transportation Average
 176. Dow Jones Utilities Average
 177. Dow Jones-index
 178. Dow Jones-sectorindices
 179. Dow theorie
 180. Dow, Charles Henry
 181. draaideurindex
 182. Dubai Financial Market General Index
 183. Dutch Forecasting Model for Real Time Output Growth
 184. Dutch15
 185. Dutch15-index
 186. duurzaamheidsindex
 187. dynamische koopkracht
 188. e-mini S&P
 189. Ease of Doing Business index
 190. EAX
 191. EAX-index
 192. Echte Amsterdamse Index
 193. Economic Surprise Index
 194. economische indicator
 195. EGX30
 196. ellende-index
 197. employment cost index
 198. Energieprestatiecoefficient
 199. Energy Transition Index
 200. enhanced index fund
 201. enhanced indexing
 202. EONIA
 203. equal weight
 204. equally weighted index
 205. Equileap Index
 206. Euro OverNight Index Average
 207. EURO STOXX 50 index
 208. EURO STOXX 50 Volatility index
 209. Euronext 100-index
 210. European Digital City Index
 211. European Regional Competitiveness Index
 212. exchange for physical program
 213. fabrieksorders
 214. Face Attractiveness Index
 215. factorindex
 216. Factory Orders
 217. FAO Food Price Index
 218. FATTI
 219. Fear Index
 220. FFPI
 221. Financial Development Report
 222. Financial Trust Index
 223. flash PMI
 224. Footsie
 225. Forbes’ Cost of Living Extremely Well Index
 226. Foreign Direct Investment Index
 227. Fragile States Index
 228. fragmentatie-index
 229. free float
 230. FTI
 231. FTSE
 232. FTSE Low Beta Equal Weight Index
 233. FTSE MIB index
 234. FTSE-100 index
 235. FTSE-250 index
 236. full replication
 237. fundamental index
 238. fundamentele index
 239. fundamernteel gewogen
 240. fysieke replicatie
 241. Gallup's Law & Order Index
 242. geïndexeerd pensioen
 243. geïndexeerde obligatie
 244. geïndexeerd schuldbewijs
 245. geluksindex
 246. gewogen koersindex
 247. gezondheidsindex
 248. GICS
 249. Gini-index
 250. Glass-Ceiling Index
 251. Global Competitiveness Index
 252. Global Index of Economic Openness
 253. Global Industry Classification Standard
 254. Global Innovation Index
 255. Global Political Risk Index
 256. Global Rate Set System
 257. Global Risk Appetite Index
 258. Global Tax Expenditures Database
 259. Global Trade Flow Index
 260. GNI*
 261. gokbeurs
 262. Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
 263. Google Barometer
 264. graadmeter
 265. GRAI
 266. Green Shoot Spotter index
 267. Gross National Happiness index
 268. GRSS
 269. Halifax House Price Index
 270. hamburger index
 271. Handymax (index)
 272. Handysize (index)
 273. Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
 274. Hang Seng index
 275. Happy Planet Index
 276. harde (pensioen)rechten
 277. harde indicator
 278. Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices
 279. Harpex
 280. Harpex Shipping Index
 281. HDI
 282. hemline-index
 283. herbeleggingsindex
 284. Herengracht-index
 285. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
 286. Hermes index
 287. herweging
 288. heupindex
 289. HFRI Monthly Indices
 290. HFRX indices
 291. HHI
 292. Hindenburg omen
 293. hoofdfonds
 294. hoofdgraadmeter
 295. hoofdindex
 296. hoog dividend-index
 297. Hoopbarometer
 298. House Price Index of the Netherlands
 299. HPI
 300. HPI-N
 301. huizenprijsindex
 302. Human Development Index
 303. hybride index
 304. I/L bond
 305. IBEX 35
 306. IBovespa
 307. ICC
 308. ICE
 309. ICI
 310. ICS
 311. IFO-index
 312. IHS Markit
 313. IMBK
 314. index
 315. index arbitrage
 316. index hugger
 317. index hugging
 318. Index of Consumer Expectations
 319. Index of Consumer Sentiment
 320. Index of Economic Freedom
 321. Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
 322. index sponsor
 323. index van het consumentenvertrouwen (Nederland)
 324. index-future
 325. index-optie
 326. indexarbitrage
 327. indexatie
 328. indexatie-ambitie
 329. indexatielabel
 330. indexbeleggen
 331. indexcijfer
 332. indexconcentratie
 333. indexcontract
 334. indexderivaten
 335. indexed bond
 336. indexeren
 337. indexering
 338. indexfonds
 339. indexkoppeling
 340. indexmatig beheer
 341. indexobligatie
 342. indexportefeuille
 343. indexschurker
 344. indexsparen
 345. indextracker
 346. indexvolger
 347. indicator
 348. Indicator koopbereidheid
 349. indices
 350. Indonesia index
 351. inflation-indexed bond
 352. inflation linked bond
 353. ING InvesteringsBarometer
 354. inkoopmanagersindex
 355. inkopersindex
 356. Institute for Supply Management
 357. intercommodity spread
 358. International Index Company
 359. internationale aandelenindex
 360. Intrade
 361. Investor Confidence Index
 362. Investor Movement Index
 363. Iowa Electronic Markets
 364. ISE 100
 365. ISE National 100
 366. ISE national indices
 367. ISM-index
 368. iTraxx
 369. iTraxx Indices
 370. iTraxx Senior Financials Index
 371. IVIx
 372. Jacko
 373. Jakarta LQ 45 index
 374. k/o
 375. kakkarante
 376. kapitaalgewogen
 377. kapitalisatiegewogen index
 378. Keizai golf index
 379. koersgevoeligheid
 380. koersindex
 381. koersindex voor aandelen
 382. koersindex voor obligaties
 383. koersverrekening
 384. koningsindex
 385. koopkracht
 386. KOSPI-index
 387. lagging indicator
 388. Land Registry's House Price Index
 389. leading indicator
 390. least developed country
 391. Legatum Prosperity Index
 392. leidende indicator
 393. Lerner-index
 394. leveraged tracker
 395. LIBOR-OIS spread
 396. linker
 397. linker bond
 398. lippenstiftindex
 399. lipstick index
 400. lipstick indicator
 401. Liv-ex Fine Wine 500 Index
 402. living wage
 403. Lloyd's City Risk Index
 404. Logistics Performance Index
 405. lokale-landenindex
 406. Long-Term Value Creation Global Index
 407. loonindexatie
 408. low volatility fund
 409. LPI
 410. LUATTRUU-index
 411. M/Y-ratio
 412. maandinflatie
 413. Major Market Index
 414. manty-index
 415. market cap to GDP
 416. market probability tracker
 417. market value weighted index
 418. Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index
 419. men's underpants index
 420. men's underwear index
 421. mensenrechtenbenchmark
 422. Merrill Lynch Option Volatility Estimate
 423. Merrill Lynch Option Volatility Index
 424. Merval Index
 425. MIB 30
 426. Micex-index
 427. Mickey Mouse-index
 428. middle-aged to young ratio
 429. middle-young
 430. Midkap-index
 431. midkapper
 432. miserie-index
 433. Misery-Index
 434. misleading indicator
 435. MIST (-landen)
 436. modified gross national income
 437. moederindex
 438. momentumindicator
 439. Morgan Stanley Capital International
 440. Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index
 441. MOVE-index
 442. MSCI All Country World Index
 443. MSCI Emerging Markets Index
 444. MSCI Europe Index
 445. MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility Index
 446. MSCI HDY Indexen
 447. MSCI High Dividend Yield Indexen
 448. MSCI World Index
 449. MSCI World Minimum Volatility Index
 450. MSCI-sectoren
 451. MTSI
 452. MUI
 453. multi-asset fund
 454. multi-index optie
 455. multiple-factor index
 456. Muslim Travel Shopping Index
 457. na-indexatie
 458. NABE Survey
 459. NASDAQ 100
 460. NASDAQ Composite
 461. National Association of Realtors
 462. Nationwide House Price Index
 463. nervositeitsindex
 464. net promotor score
 465. NEVI PMI
 466. New York Stock Exchange Composite Index
 467. NEXGEM
 468. Next 150 index
 469. Next Generation Market Index
 470. Nikkei-index
 471. NL20
 472. NL20-index
 473. normportefeuille
 474. NY Fed manufacturing index
 475. NY S&P 500
 476. NZSE40-index
 477. obligatie-index
 478. OECD composite leading indicators
 479. offensieve portefeuille
 480. OK-score
 481. olie-index
 482. ondergoed index
 483. onderliggende inflatie
 484. ondernemerspeil
 485. ondernemingsklimaatindex
 486. ongewogen index
 487. ontwikkelingsindex
 488. open data index
 489. Orange-index
 490. Oranje-index
 491. outperformer
 492. overweging
 493. Panamax (index)
 494. paniekmeter
 495. parent index
 496. passief portefeuillebeheer
 497. PBK
 498. peildatum
 499. Pending Home Sales Index
 500. Persoonlijke Welzijnsindex
 501. Philadephia Fed Index
 502. Phillie Fed Index
 503. PHLX Semiconductor Sector index
 504. PHSI
 505. PI
 506. PIR
 507. PMI
 508. polarisatie-index
 509. Political Risk Index
 510. Portugese Stock Index
 511. Powershares QQQ
 512. PRIBIL
 513. price weighted index
 514. prijsgewogen index
 515. prijsindex (bij beleggen)
 516. Prijsindex Bestaande Koopwoningen
 517. prijsindexcijfer
 518. Private Banking Index Limited
 519. producentenvertrouwen
 520. Producer Price Index
 521. profit investment ratio
 522. profitability index
 523. protective put index
 524. PSI 20
 525. Purchasing Managers' Index
 526. QoL
 527. Quality of Life
 528. quits
 529. R-word index
 530. RCI
 531. real-time index
 532. referentie-index
 533. regio-index
 534. relatieve koersontwikkeling
 535. relatieve sterkte
 536. relatieve sterkte-index
 537. relative strength index
 538. rente-index
 539. rente-indexobligatie
 540. rente-indexpandbrief
 541. reputatie-index
 542. Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers
 543. risico-indicator
 544. risicometer
 545. risk adjusted capital ratio
 546. rokjesindicator
 547. roundophobia
 548. RS-grafiek
 549. RSI
 550. RTS-index
 551. RTS2-index
 552. RTSI
 553. Russell 2000
 554. S&P 500 ESG Index
 555. S&P 500 index
 556. S&P 500 Low Volatility Index
 557. S&P 500-goudratio
 558. S&P future
 559. S&P GSCI
 560. S&P/ASX 200-index
 561. samengestelde index
 562. sampling
 563. SCFI
 564. SDAX-index
 565. sectorindex
 566. sectormandje
 567. Sensex
 568. sentimentsindicator
 569. Shanghai Composite Index
 570. Shanghai Containerized Freight Index
 571. Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index
 572. SHCOMP
 573. Shenzhen-index
 574. short tracker
 575. SIM
 576. single-index model
 577. Sinodependency Index
 578. skew index
 579. skyscraper index
 580. SMI
 581. Social Progress Index
 582. Sofix
 583. SONIA
 584. SOX
 585. spilindex
 586. spread betting
 587. SSE Composite Index
 588. SSE-index
 589. standaarddeviatie
 590. statische koopkracht
 591. stemmingsindicator
 592. sterindex
 593. Sterling OverNight Index Average
 594. steun
 595. STOXX 50 index
 596. Straits Times-index
 597. strategische indices
 598. stressindicator
 599. Superbowl indicator
 600. surprise index
 601. sushi-index
 602. Sustainable Cities Index
 603. swap based ETF
 604. Swinging Sensex
 605. Swiss Market Index
 606. synthetische replicatie
 607. Tadawul All Share Index
 608. Tankan index
 609. TASI
 610. technisch analist
 611. Texas ratio
 612. Thomson Reuters/Jefferies CRB index
 613. tilted indexing
 614. TOkyo Price IndeX
 615. top 5-index
 616. Topix
 617. total entrepreneurial activity
 618. total return index
 619. tracker
 620. tracking error
 621. tracking portfolio
 622. Transition Commodity Prijsindex
 623. Treasury-Inflation Protected Securities
 624. Treasury Note Volatility Index
 625. triple witching hour
 626. TWMX
 627. uitkeringsaanvragen
 628. uitzendbarometer
 629. underperformer
 630. US dollar-index
 631. US Initial Jobless Claims
 632. US Leading Economic Index
 633. US Misery Index
 634. VAEX
 635. Vallstein Benchmark
 636. value investment ratio
 637. value line index
 638. value weighted index
 639. vaste indexatie
 640. VDAX
 641. VDAX-new
 642. verrassingsindex
 643. verrassingsindicator
 644. vertrouwensindex
 645. vertrouwensindicator
 646. vingerratio
 647. VIR
 648. VIX
 649. VLAM21
 650. volatiliteitsindex
 651. voorlopende conjunctuurindicator
 652. voorlopende indicator
 653. VSTOXX
 654. waardegewogen index
 655. waardevast pensioen
 656. wafelhuisindex
 657. Waffle House Index
 658. WCI
 659. weging
 660. wegingsfactor
 661. welvaartsvast pensioen
 662. wereldaandelenindex
 663. werkloosheidscijfer
 664. WIG20
 665. Wilshire 5000 Index
 666. wolkenkrabberindicator
 667. Women in Work Index
 668. World Container Index
 669. World Economic Forum
 670. World Trade Outlook Indicator
 671. XIV
 672. zachte indicator
 673. Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
 674. ZEW-index
 675. zoomindex
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