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Ook: overheidsschuldquote, schuldquote, staatsschuld/bbp-ratio. ... >>
 Vandaag 01-04-2025
22121 begrippen & definities
 Trending begrippen
1 penny wise, pound foolish
2 painting the tape
3 Mar-a-Lago-akkoord
4 injectie
5 Informations- und Forsch...
 Recent verbeterd
31-03geldhoeveelheid in eng...
31-03surseance van betaling
29-03Buy European
28-03Jan Modaal
27-03juridisch risico
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 Meest opgevraagde begrippen
1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8penny wise, pound foolis...
9arm's length-beginsel
10negatief eigen vermogen

Grondstoffen, commodities, bulkproducten
Een overzicht van aan het thema 'grondstoffen, commodities, bulkproducten' gerelateerde begrippen.

 1. aanbodschok
 2. AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt
 3. Baltic Exchange
 4. basismaterialen
 5. beleggingsresearch
 6. BFOE
 7. bloedmetalen
 8. Bloomberg Commodity Index
 9. BM&F
 10. Bolsade Mercadorias & Futuros Exchange
 11. Bonny light
 12. Brent Blend
 13. Brent crude
 14. Brent petroleum
 15. certified stocks
 16. CNG
 17. Co
 18. commodificatie
 19. commodity linked bond
 20. commodity money
 21. commodity-valuta
 22. compressed natural gas
 23. crack spread
 24. CRB-index
 25. crush spread
 26. diamantconstructie
 27. Doctor Copper
 28. El Niño
 29. ETC
 30. exchange traded commodity
 31. gestold angstzweet
 32. global land rush
 33. goederentermijnmarkt
 34. gold/silver ratio
 35. goudclausule
 36. goudfixing
 37. goudobligatie
 38. grondstoffensupercyclus
 39. grondstofgeld
 40. Hamanaka
 41. intercommodity spread
 42. International Petroleum Exchange
 43. intracommodity spread
 44. IPE
 45. kobalt
 46. koper-goudratio
 47. kritieke metalen
 48. La Niña
 49. land grabbing
 50. landroof
 51. lean hog
 52. light tight oil
 53. liquified natural gas
 54. live cattle
 55. LME
 56. London Brent
 57. London Commodity Exchange
 58. London gold fix
 59. London Metal Exchange
 60. LTO
 61. meats
 62. MGEX
 63. MidAm
 64. Minneapolis Grain Exchange
 65. New York Cotton Exchange
 66. New York Mercantile Exchange
 67. NYCE
 68. oil glut
 69. old crop/new crop spread
 70. olievloek
 71. one-touch option
 72. OPEC Basket Price
 73. OPEC Reference Basket
 74. OPEC+
 75. ORB
 76. palmolie
 77. peak gold
 78. petro-yuan
 79. physicals
 80. productieketen
 81. Reserve Fund
 82. Responsible Mining Index
 83. RMI
 84. roebelcrisis
 85. Rogers International Commodity Index
 86. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
 87. RSPO
 88. S&P 500-goudratio
 89. Saudi Stock Exchange
 90. schalieolie
 91. SGR
 92. Silver Rule 7
 93. silver streaming
 94. Silver Thursday
 95. silver to gold ratio
 96. stranded assets
 97. streaming company
 98. TGE
 99. The Big Shortage
 100. Thomson Reuters/Jefferies CRB index
 101. tight oil
 102. Tokyo Commodity Exchange
 103. varkensbuiken
 104. witte goud
 105. World Oil Outlook
 106. ZCE
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