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 Vandaag 01-03-2025
22107 begrippen & definities
 Trending begrippen
1 Dogs of the Dow
3 Schuldenbremse
4 netto prijs
5 oorlogseconomie
 Recent verbeterd
01-03pig butchering fraude
28-02winner-takes-all markt
28-02wederkerige invoertari...
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 Meest opgevraagde begrippen
1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8penny wise, pound foolis...
9arm's length-beginsel
10negatief eigen vermogen
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corporate venturing

De verstrekking van venture capital door in-huis beleggingsfondsen van grote ondernemingen.
Deze corporate venturing fondsen (corporate venturing funds) zijn doorgaans opgezet om de realisatie van de strategische doelstellingen te ondersteunen.

'The T-Corporate Venture fund invests in business models with overall importance for the entire group and its busines units. The goal is to open up new technologies for the use in Deutsche Telekom in the sense of an innovation transfer - window on technology - and to thus guarantee the sustainable, value-oriented growth of the group. Both, funds as well as direct investments are undertaken for this purpose. Furthermore, T-Corporate Venture realizes spin-offs as a commercialization option for technologies of Deutsche Telekom. The participation in the High-Tech Start-Up Fund, Germany, is complementary to that. The start-up fund finances young, innovative high-tech companies from the start-up phase onwards.'
Bron: Deutsche Telekom, www.t-venture.us.

Zie ook: venture capital, intrapreneur, start-up, spin-off, spin-out, special purpose acquisition company. Vergelijk: Operatie Kanibaal.

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