Een beursgang (initial public offering of IPO) van een zogenaamde blank check company (jong bedrijf, zonder ondernemingsplan en gevestigde reputatie).
Beursgangen van dergelijke ondernemingen leverden vaak matige rendementen op voor de nieuwe aandeelhouders (meestal: particuliere beleggers) en extreem hoge rendementen voor het zittende management, waardoor het leek alsof de beleggers een blanco cheque voor hen hadden uitgeschreven.
'Looking to capitalize on the Apple halo effect, three former company executives, including co-founder Steve Wozniak, took their new company, Acquicor Technology, public yesterday in an IPO raising $150 million. The money they raised is purely based on their reputation, as Acquicor Technology, is officially designated as a "blank-check" company (no, really, it's in their filings), meaning they don't do anything yet and can do whatever they want with investor money. Wozniak seems to have a knack for using his name to raise money before having an established operation.'
Bron: - 15-03-2006.
Zie ook: beursgang, blank check company, special purpose acquisition company.
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