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margin call
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 Vandaag 23-11-2024
21974 begrippen & definities
 Trending begrippen
1 gebakken lucht
2 Dogs of the Dow
3 handelend onder de naam
4 operationele kosten
5 vrijemarkteconomie
 Recent verbeterd
22-11margin call
22-11positie afbouwen
22-11Archegos Capital Manag...
22-11verborgen hefboomwerki...
22-11gouden tip
22-11the greater fool theor...
22-11fear of missing out
22-11Belgische tandarts
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 Meest opgevraagde begrippen
1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8arm's length-beginsel
9negatief eigen vermogen
10penny wise, pound foolis...
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Vervaltijdstip, vervaldatum.
Vaak gebruikt bij het aflossingsschema van leningen / obligaties.

'Greece must repay about €20 billion of debt in the next six weeks. In April it has raised €1.92 billion through auctions of short-term treasury-bills, paying yields approaching 5%. Greek officials have said they have enough cash to repay an €8.2 billion bond coming due April 20. But Greece will have to borrow to pay back an €8.5 billion bond due May 19.'
Bron: WSJ.com - 16-04-2010.

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