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 Vandaag 22-02-2025
22100 begrippen & definities
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1 bbp-kloof
2 The Takeover Panel
3 congestieheffing
4 realtime belasting
5 uitruilen
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21-02realtime belasting
21-02real-time taxation
17-02rug pull
16-02exchange traded produc...
16-02wat de gek ervoor geef...
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1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8penny wise, pound foolis...
9arm's length-beginsel
10negatief eigen vermogen
Uw steun is hard nodig... Doneer nu


Zie: Griekse schuldencrisis.

'Greek Ouzo crisis escalates into global margin call as confidence ebbs - For the third time in 18 months the global financial system risks spinning out of control unless political leaders take immediate and radical action. ...The risk is the EMU version of Mexico's Tequila crisis or Asia's crisis in 1998.'
Bron: Telegraph.co.uk - 07-02-2010.

Zie: knoflookcrisis.

Zie ook: crisis. Vergelijk: roebelcrisis, sambacrisis, tangocrisis, Tequilacrisis, Zorbacrisis.

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