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 Vandaag 18-04-2024
21830 begrippen & definities
 Trending begrippen
1 reconciliatie
2 oorlogseconomie
3 Dogs of the Dow
4 excasso
5 opschalingskorting
 Recent verbeterd
17-04buy low, sell high
17-04exorbitant privilege
17-04thematisch beleggen
17-04plakkerige prijzen
17-04plakkerige inflatie
17-04bitcoin halving
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 Meest opgevraagde begrippen
1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8arm's length-beginsel
9negatief eigen vermogen
Spring naar: QA-QB-QD-QE-QF-QI-QM-QO-QP-QQ-QR-
 3.Qatar Investment Authority
 8.QE for people
 22.quad play
 24.quadruple A
 25.quadruple play
 27.qualified blind trust
 28.Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (program)
 29.Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (program)
 30.qualified majority
 31.qualified offering
 32.qualified professional asset manager
 33.qualifying revolvers
 34.quality cross hedging
 35.Quality of Life
 38.quant fund
 39.quant investing
 40.quantative strategies
 41.quantitative easing
 42.quantitative tightening
 43.quanto option
 45.quartaire sector
 46.quarter stock
 47.quarterly (re)funding
 48.quasi equity
 49.quasi money
 50.quasi-American option
 51.quasi-Amerikaanse optie
 53.question mark
 55.quick buck
 56.quick flow fund
 57.quick ratio
 58.quick response
 59.quick scan
 60.quick turn
 61.quick win
 63.quid pro quo
 64.quiet hiring
 65.quiet period
 66.quiet quitting
 72.quits rate
 74.quitte spelen
 77.Quote 500
 78.quote driven (handelssysteem)
 79.quote reporter
 80.quote request
 81.quote stuffing
 82.quote vendor
 83.Quote-500 belasting
 85.quoted company
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